Friday, March 11, 2011

Gaming Reflection

Game Design -

So I was really ill to be able to stay during our entire presentation, but I did talk to others about what all we did well and what we received points off for. Two points I did not believe came across would be the objectives of the game, we could have gone deeper into the main goals and what could be done. Another thing would also be the visuals we used. We needed something more elaborate and interesting, but since we did not actually make the game, it was very difficult to actually do.

I know what we did wrong was not actually pitch our game, we just told everyone about it, like a presentation. I honestly did not realize we needed to do that at the time, so that would've been a quick fix. Another thing we did not do too well in is how we weren't as well as prepared as we should be if we were pitching our game to a big gaming company. We knew what we were talking about, but we were not enthusiastic about it, and did not do a big eye catching thing to keep attention to us. If time had permitted we should have made a quick video about the game showing off some gameplay or something of that sort.

The objectives I believe were one of the harder things to actually discuss with the audience because explaining any objects to any game some one has not played is going to be difficult. It will be especially difficult if in the objectives of the game, you have to use words that are only used in the game, not in every common day life. You cannot say to someone who has not played the game, 'to go to Laureltown and pick up the fluxychunk' as an objective in the presentation to someone who has not played the game. There is a way around it with that example, but there is bound to be something you cannot avoid to bring up in the objectives.

As a gamer, I enjoyed getting my imagination and creativity flowing with this project. It was quite fun and if I had known to sell this game during our presentation I'm sure I could have had fun doing that also.

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